Tournament Qualifiers

Monthly Medieval Poker Tournament

Each month we will host a Medieval Poker Tournament for our regulars and point leaders.  The top three winners will win cash prizes.  We will keep up with how often you play and how many points you accumulate each month.  Play more often and accumulate more points and you will be rewarded with extra chips during the monthly cash prize Medieval  Tournament.

So how does this work?

  • When you play in one of our nightly games you will sign in and we will keep track of every time you sign in to play.
  • We will add up all the players for that nightly game to use in the calculation of points
  • If you are one of the last 25 players left standing in a game, then you will also be able to sign out in the position you finish.  Based on that position you will earn points.  For expample, if you finish in first place you will earn points totaling 25 times the number of players that participate in that night’s show.  If, for example you finish in 17th place, you will earn 8 times the number of players that night. (25-17=8 times number of participants that night)
  • Whatever points you earn each night will be added up and the 85 highest points winners for the month get invited to participate in the monthly Medieval Tournament for cash prizes.
  •  It also pays to come to as many shows as you can.  If you come to at least 8 shows in a month you will receive an extra 1000 chips for the monthly tournament.  If you come to at least 12 shows in a month you will receive and extra 2000 chips for the monthly tournament.
  • Three positions will payout cash in the monthly tournament.  $250 for first place, $150 for second place and $100 for third place.

Players in green are currently qualified for the monthly tournament.  Top 85 points.

February Players